Wednesday, 14 December 2011

The Dreaded 'S' Word - Snow

    Friday 16th December could possibly be the day we see the first of winter’s snow. This weather is the most dreaded of all weathers, it leads to us as a nation into huge uproar. We all start worrying too much, yes I can understand why we panic, roads are dangerous, travelling is a problem and it affects the schools but there is no need to have a hissy fit over some snow. For me the huge amounts of snow last year was welcomed by me as it gave me time to relax from studying my A-Levels – thank you snow.

    Health & Safety gets too involved in our lives and now we’re being told what not to do in extreme weather conditions. I just heard on the news on 14th December that people should “take extra care” out in this type of weather especially when walking on mountains. We know this already but as a nation we seem to be ruled by H&S, so we’re constantly told information on how to be careful, when we already know how to stay safe.

Image from Google Images
    I just don’t understand the reason why there is so much hype over snow. Years ago – let’s say the 1980s – people didn’t really care about snow that much and even when the snow got extreme people still drove their lorry and cars without much fear. Yet now, we seem to panic like crazy. If you asked any child about snow they would get excited and especially when they’re told they get the day off due to school being closed they go out and enjoy the weather, this may be in the form of snowball fights or making a snowman. We can argue for hours saying that their kids and don’t understand but we should take a leaf out of their book and take snow a little less seriously.

    The snow at the end of last year and early this year was absolutely horrendous. Day after day of snow, but to me it didn’t bother me, well it only bothered me when my school didn’t declare themselves shut – however this had an advantage, snowball fights in school. BBC news had a field day about the weather with exclusive interviews with members of the public who enjoyed and disliked the weather – obviously they had to sides of the argument because it’s the BBC, they can’t be biased towards one side.
Image from Google Images

    One thing that was the major cause of the national panic was the lack of grit, however we survived and managed to get through that sticky situation, so why the need to go over the top about some grit. People will obviously say that roads are too dangerous without grit and I agree but there is a simple answer – don’t go out. Yes I understand people have jobs to go to but surely you can have a few days off to avoid the worst of the snow. Whenever the snow isn’t bad go out and do the job you have been assigned to do, on the contrary if it’s too extreme to go outside just don’t go, I’m sure the employers would understand the reason for not travelling in dangerous conditions. It may seem I’m really laying into how we react and not understanding the position of others but I’m just giving my honest opinion, surely I’m allowed that.
Image from Google Images
    As someone who walks everywhere the extreme weather conditions didn’t really affect me unless I had to walk down a steep path where the lack of grip meant I was running not walking down the path, which was pretty nerve wracking to say the least. As a nation I think we need to take the weather a little less seriously, when there’s heavy rain we don’t really moan but as soon as we here the ‘S’ word we go bonkers. I’m sure at least 75% of the population would disagree with what I have just written about but they would surely see my point.

    I’m guessing that the snow won’t be extreme as it was last year, however looking at England’s weather year after year it wouldn’t surprise me if it will be worse than last year. If this happens I’m confident that we will go into uproar about the amount of snow and the lack of grit but we’ll get through it just like we always do. So what I say is just take this snow a little less seriously but obviously if you are obliged to go out please be careful – you see I understand why we have health and safety, roads can be dangerous and people can get killed in freak accidents due to weather so do be careful but please understand what this report is trying to say.



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